End-of-life care in the head and neck cancer patient
Document Type
Publication Title
Oral Diseases
Past the point of no longer being able to control malignancies of the oral cavity and head and neck, the decision-making process must shift to one that essentially concerns itself with creating comfort for the patient. The role of family, physicians, and other caregivers becomes, in many ways, more directed as active neoplasia-related concerns become less relevant. Challenges remain significant in terms of continuing management of prior treatment-related side effects and functional impairments to providers concerning themselves with maintenance of dignity, honoring the wishes of the family, and creating full understanding of on the part of all parties concerned what the goals of treatment cessation and palliation are key as death approaches.
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Publication Date
Fall 11-2016
Recommended Citation
Sciubba JJ. End-of-life care in the head and neck cancer patient. Oral Dis. 2016 Nov;22(8):740-744. doi: 10.1111/odi.12506. Epub 2016 Jun 29. PMID: 27196301.