

Hepatitis C (HCV) can be treated in the primary care setting; however, most patients are referred to subspecialists. Marginalized populations may be refused treatment due to stigma or substance use. We aimed to treat HCV in these high-risk patients, and prevent a delay in time from diagnosis to the time of treatment and sustained virologic response (SVR), by utilizing a multidisciplinary treatment team in a primary care clinic. Outcomes assessed included achieving SVR at 3 months, time from diagnosis to treatment initiation, and liver fibrosis stage compared between cohorts with previous subspecialty referral and those treated initially from primary care. Among the 32 patients who initiated treatment, 29 (90.6%) completed the regimen and 27 (84.3%) had documented SVR. Patients treated in a primary care setting without prior referral had a significantly shorter median time from viral load testing to treatment initiation (161 days), compared to those who were previously referred (median time of 954 days). Aggregated fibrosis scores suggest those referred to subspecialists had significantly higher scores. We demonstrate successful HCV treatment in primary care achieving SVR, and a decrease in the median days between viral load and treatment initiation, with lower fibrosis scores.
