

A 35-year-old male greenhouse worker presented with myalgia, fatigue, and fever. Initially, he was thought to have an unspecified viral infection and was treated with conservative therapy. However, the patient’s symptoms persisted, and he reported additional symptoms of mild abdominal pain and headaches. Laboratory evaluation was significant for elevated liver enzymes. Due to concern for acute hepatitis and persistent fever the patient was hospitalized. During his hospital course, no infectious etiology was found to explain his symptoms. After discharge from the hospital, additional testing showed positive serology for Q fever IgG phase II antibody (1:8192) and phase II antibody IgM (> 1:2048). He was treated with doxycycline and had a good clinical response. Upon follow-up, he had worsening Phase I IgG serologies. Transesophageal echo demonstrated vegetations consistent with endocarditis.
